For whatever reason. `gd clone` does not pull repe...
# gooddata-cloud
For whatever reason.
gd clone
does not pull repeater visualizations' YAMLs in the VS Code. I get everything else, but the repeaters aren't there :(
Hello Daniel, I can confirm this visualization is not pulled when running gd clone, I will go ahead and share this with our developers. Although please be aware that the GD CLI feature is currently in beta and we are constantly introducing improvements and fixing bugs.
Hello @Daniel Muise, can you check what version of GD CLI do you use?
gd -v
should do the job.
Thanks. Please update both CLI and the VS Code extension to 0.8.0.
updating the extension seemed easy and immediate; updating the cli, shall i use the same command as install? npm i -g @GoodData Linen/code-cli
Yes, just don't let slack autocorrect break your command šŸ™‚
With 0.8.0 the repeaters should be supported. I tested it myself
Marvelous, that worked, thank you!
šŸ™Œ 2
spoke too soon! while I'm able to gd clone the repeater to local yamls, if i git deploy the repeater, then the gui cannot find the repeater visualization despite all the IDs/paths being correct
That is, the visualizations seem to appear properly in the dashboard after deploying, but attempting to edit analysis in the gui, through any method, just yields "visualization not found"
upon redeploy, the repeaters also lose some filter parameters that are present in the yamls but evidently not in the dashboard visualization
Hi Daniel, sorry to hear that. Does the local preview work for you? I cloned the repeater, did a few local changes and then deployed it back to the workspace. It seems to work for me. Can you share with us what repeater configuration are you using? Does it include images, hyperlinks, charts? Missing visualization could be caused by two things: ā€¢ The definition of the visualization is broken and the UI cannot display it properly. ā€¢ The ID was changed, but for some reason the system did not register this change properly.
thanks --- i'll see what i can share but i know the IDs did not change. the repeaters included hyperlinks, images, charts, the whole deal.
Hi Tomas; still facing this issue reproducibly. I'll send a DM with the format of the repeater. All of my repeaters (but only the repeaters) face the same issue upon deploy: visualizations appear fine in the dashboard apart from losing their fact-based filters, and upon attempting to edit a visualization, the visualization is not found
Hi Daniel, sorry for the late response. I will forward your issue to the responsible engineering team and try to reproduce in our environment.
Hi Daniel, I was able to reproduce the behaviour on my environment. Thanks again for reporting the issue.
sure thing --- seems that it all comes down to the number/metric filters not properly deploying upon deploy from vs code