Hi team, I have a number of similar workspaces tha...
# gd-beginners
Hi team, I have a number of similar workspaces that share the same data structure. Recently I have added new fields to the tables in my data. When I need to copy any change to a destination workspaces I get error that these fields are not mapped, so I have to refresh the data source in destination workspaces, and mapped the columns but with every change to the main workspace I need to update the destination workspace as well. Would you have any idea what can cause this and how to fix it? I found two articles that might be helpful but with the recent change I wasn't able to find them or locate this information here in Slack. Thank you 🙂 https://community.gooddata.com/data-models-58/receiving-an-internal-error-when-publishing-data-model-535, https://community.gooddata.com/data-models-58/error-when-updating-data-model-594
Hi Lucie, For the start, could you please confirm which GoodData product are you using? Are we talking about GoodData Platform or GoodData Cloud here? Also, what do you mean by “main workspace” vs “destination” workspaces? Are you referring to life cycle management (LCM) by any chance? Could you please share the exact error quote with us and if possible also errorI D or trace ID that you are getting? Feel free to send the screenshot of it as well. Any further information would be much appreciated.
Thank you @Julius Kos for getting back to me. I am talking about GoodData.cn and referring to a situation when I am copying through API the LDM from one place to another (it is not child workspace but same workspace in different location). And when I want to do this, it is successful but I get the "Source column(s) not found in Data Source". So I would need to go and manually refresh data source in model and map the columns data type in each table. This fix the issue but happens when I need to changes and will send new model through API
What version of GD.CN do you use?
That's extremely old version. Please, upgrade to v3.x, there, this issue does not exist, because LDM and PDM were merged to LDM. When you GET + PUT LDM in v3.x, you move LDM with mappings and data types. Just be careful - v3.x contains breaking changes, deprecation of PDM is one of them. here is how to upgrade: https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/articles/21948942400659-GoodData-CN-3-0-0
🙌 1
Thank you @Jan Soubusta for getting back with the helpful advise. The upgrade to version 3.8 is in process, meanwhile I still need to work with this version. Luckily you and my colleagues show me the right direction and I updated the PDM as it was needed. Hopefully it should be OK now.
Yes, in old version the solution is to sync PDM too. Good luck with the upgrade! Btw. very soon we release 3.10 😉
Awesome and thank you 🙂