Hi everyone! I’m trying to edit the parents of so...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi everyone! I’m trying to edit the parents of some workspaces to reorganise the entire hierarchy. I’m getting errors saying it’s unable to do so. I’m using a PUT on a workspace. Is there a proper way to move children workspaces to a new parent for instance?
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  "detail": "Updating parent to different one is not possible. currentParentId=fc_dev, requestedParentId=fc_production",
  "status": 400,
  "title": "Bad Request",
  "traceId": "b2a97ee0216d8ad3490cbf58e875ccac"
Hi Romain, Unfortunately, as the error quote suggests, updating a Parent workspace is not possible. So do I understand correctly that the ultimate goal here is to move some child workspaces under different Parent workspace? Could you please elaborate a bit more on the exact purpose of such an action? I believe that the best course of action would be to create the child workspaces under the other parent and these child workspaces will automatically inherit the Logical Data Model, analytical model, datasources etc. automatically from the Parent.
Thanks for your message. I want to refactor the workspace hierarchy the current hierarchy is: • fc_root ◦ fc_dev ▪︎ fc_client1 ▪︎ fc_client2 ◦ fc_prod And I want to get • fc_root ◦ fc_dev ◦ fc_prod ▪︎ fc_client1 ▪︎ fc_client2
Thanks, as was mentioned, you cannot change the parent workspace assigned to the child workspace. In this case, I would suggest to clone the current fc_dev to fc_prod parent workspace and then simply create child workspaces in this newly cloned workspace. Would that be a feasible option for you? Please note that child workspace always reflects its parent workspace so moving only child workspace usually doesn’t make much sense.
Or is this a scenario where both Parent workspaces have identical Logical Data Model, datasource etc. and basically you are only trying to migrate additional metadata which was already created in the existing child workspaces? Any addition information about your use case here would be appreciated.
yes I’m trying to reattach ‘a node’ to a different parent.
Hi Romain, Sorry for the back and forth, but I’m not sure what does
a node
mean in context of your workspaces/environments. As was mentioned, assigning existing workspaces to a parent workspace is not possible. The workspace is assigned as a child workspace to a parent workspace only at the time of its creation. Could you please elaborate bit more what exactly
a node
means? Again, are we talking about some metadata in you current child workspaces (metrics, insights, dashboards etc.) which are not present in their Parent workspace and thus you wish to migrate them under the different tenant?