Hi all, We would like to declare a M:N relationshi...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all, We would like to declare a M:N relationship in our LDM. We use the Auto mapping with the naming convention. How can we have the
multivalue: true
in the LDM to be detected automatically ?
Hello Alexandre, how exactly are you building your LDM? Is this through the UI or through API?
Hi joseph, We use the api. We first scan the db using the endpoint getPDM, then we generate the LDM from the PDM.
And we rely on the naming conventions for the LDM to detect the relationships between our datasets, based on this doc https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/model-data/prepare-your-data/#PrepareYourData-RecommendedNamingConventions But we can't find a way to have M:N relationships auto detected
Our backup plan is to update the LDM afterwards using the API, but would be great if naming conventions could save us from this work 😄
@Joseph Heun any idea ? 🙏
Hi Alexandre, I'm going to have to discuss this internally to see what is possible for this scenario. We will follow up as soon as possible.
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Thank you
Hi Alexandre, I'm terribly sorry for the delay in this. Unfortunately, we are unable to currently support this feature at this time. However, I have raised this with our product team and they are looking to implement this in the near future.
Thanks for the investigation! FYI we finally implemented our own naming convention
to flag a reference as
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to let you know that this has now been updated to include the prefixes “mr” and “grmr”
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