Hello GoodData team, I'm looking for a way to disp...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello GoodData team, I'm looking for a way to display date value in a dashboard. Can you suggest which UI widget can be used for this purpose? Date value is stored as date - not a date dimension.
Hi Maris, A pivot table would be the most likely option, but this depends on your use case fully. Are you trying to find a MAX date value?
Hi @Joseph Heun, No, the use case is different. Based on a query criteria, we would like to display
That is,
SELECT dateAttribute WHERE Id = xyz_id
We currently display certain fields as KPIs in a dashboard. For our use case, we would like to display date as a text label similarly to KPI element.
Is NextPaymentDate a calculated date, or a custom date dimension already loaded? In this case you may just want to run a count for ID and splice that report with the date dimension. If you need to calculate the nextdaypayment date, are you using datetime-diff ?
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No, the NextPaymentDate is not a calculated date. I've setup NextPaymentDate as date (dd/MM/yyyy) source type. I'm able to select attributes and facts to be displayed, but not a date attribute.
That is the correct behavior. The dates cannot be displayed just on their own. You need to create a metric to use within the visualization in order to show the related date value.
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