Hi GD! Having an issue with a dashboard for a cust...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi GD! Having an issue with a dashboard for a customer where the count of users shows the accurate number but the cumulative daily growth is off by 1. When I click into the cumulative daily user growth in the dashboard to edit the visualization it displays correctly but is format. Any idea why the chart cuts off in the dashboard? when I change the "Alltime" date range to "this year" it shows the date up to today and both count of users and daily growth chart update, but are still off by 1! Appreciate some support!
If it works as a separate visualization but shows different numbers on the dashboard, I assume it must be some of the dashboard filters. Maybe the date filter? Any chance some users have empty created date? Also is this the same metric in both visualizations or different ones? Could you share their definitions?
All users have the "created date" that is used in the filter. The Count of users is displaying the correct amount only under the date filter "this year" (not all time). I just can't get the daily growth chart to work. the daily growth chart using a "running sum" metric so perhaps that is throwing it off? They are both using the correct User.ID field
i.e when in the visualization and the date is filtered to alltime it works... just not in the dash
It seems it differs in the user created on 3/27/2024 - the very first one. Isn’t there some other dashboard filter active that would eliminate that user? Maybe you can try to disable filters for that visualization on the dashboard one by one to identify if that causes it.
Thanks Michal. Just not sure if thats the case as when I filter by this year which would include that user it still doesn't appear. The filters are all encompassing so it shouldn't affect the count
Do you have multiple date datasets in the model? Can it be that in dashboard widget configuration is selected other date dataset than displayed in the chart so filter is applied in unexpected way?