Is it possible to inherit just metrics, dashboard...
# gooddata-cloud
Is it possible to inherit just metrics, dashboards and visualiuzations and have own logical model for each child?
Hi Marketa, This is not possible. The workspaces are built dependent on the logical data model. If the LDMs were unable to match or contain different objects, then the metrics/dashboards/visualizations will not be able to work in the workspace with a different LDM.
Hi @Markéta Jedličková, what kind of changes should the LDM have?
It is possible to expand the child LDM by adding new datasets directly to the LDM of the child workspace with API, but it is currently not possible to remove or modify the datasets inherited from parent.
I maybe described it wrongly LDM can stay same but I would like to connect different Data source for different child workspaces, is that possible?
I see, in that case - yes, one of the recent releases allowed "unique data source per tenant" feature and you can read more about it here:
Great, tested and work great, is it also possible after heritage of dashboards, for example take one and extend it?
And also metrics - for example have specific metrics for workspace used in heritaged dashboard.
And last thing, is it possible to for example just copy all visualizations from one workspace to another?
or for example just some visualizations.
Hi, the child workspaces get analytics objects from the parent. Elements from parents can't be edited in a child at the moment, but users can create additional elements (e.g. dashboards, visualizations, metrics)
The UI even allows the save as new functionality, which means you can open locked elements from parent and duplicate them in a child.
You can also duplicate elements to a different workspace without using the workspace hierarchies. Just be sure the workspaces have LDMs with the same identifiers. There is no out of the box support for this in the UI, but you can use APIs, VS Code extension or Python SDK for the task. I would recommend using VS Code extension as it is the most user-friendly option in my opinion.
And can these additional elements inserted into dashboard herited from parent?
I checked the Python SDK, but I didnt found correct way to for example update only specific dashboard / visualization / metric. If I tried, it overwrote it - only whole workspace was possible to update.
No, the parent elements are completely locked and cannot be edited or extended. Just duplicated. This might change in the future.
But I personally find these YAML files generated by GoodData for VS Code easier to work with in case you don't need hierarchies
But put declarative model will override the whole workspace, right? There is no possibility to choose what I would like to “update”. And if there are extra dashboards in the workspace I am copying it to - then these disapear.
Sorry, I'm not so familiar with the API. My colleagues can correct me if I am wrong. What I do in this case is: • Clone analytics objects from the target ws on the drive • Create new objects locally • Deploy the whole folder (original + new objects) back to the target workspace That's my flow with GoodData for VS Code which works on top of the APIs
Yes I understand that, but more automatic way is not there currently? Only thru some scripting right?
That’s right. Would you be willing to described the desired state? Possibly the expected user flow to get there? I’m happy to jump on a DM in case you wouldn’t like to share this publicly. Thanks in advance