Hey all, Could any of you please help me with this...
# gooddata-cloud
Hey all, Could any of you please help me with this error?
Error trace ID:c36d27ad61b4e24e3e4ce72df413608f
Hey Brunno, that’s a pretty strange one. It seems to be a 500 error, with the message
A result cache error has occurred during the calculation of the result
. Were there any changes made to the LDM or the Data Source? Have you tried Reloading the Cached Data to ensure it matches the Data Source? Otherwise, would you kindly tell me a bit more about how this error pops up? What task are you doing, and what steps lead to the error?
Hi @Francisco Antunes, Thank you for responding so quickly. I tried to clear the cache a few times, but it still didn't work. I have a SQL View that uses Redshift Federated Queries, I can add several fields from the same view, but when I add some others, this error occurs.
I understand that this relates to trying to add new fields to a dataset which is a View on your Data Source. Still, I don’t quite understand what action in GoodData leads to the error; Are you attempting to build an insight with these new fields? Also, is there anything that differentiates these fields from the other ones that work?
Yes! I’m trying to build an insight. Only 10 fields for now. I don’t see any difference. They are coming from a left join, but there are other fields coming from left joins that are working
And I can see those fields when I run the same query in a redshift client
I think we’re going to need a ticket to look into this one a bit more closely; Would you kindly send us an email at support@gooddata.com with the information you shared so far? If you could also include some info about the Dataset being added and the objects/fields that seem to be erroring out, that’d be great too!
Franciscos, thank you! It looks like I managed to make it work by updating my query. I'll let you know if it doesn't work out.
Oh, wonderful! I’m happy to hear it. We’re here if you need any more help, of course! 🙂