I am trying to log in to gray page with my login t...
# gooddata-cloud
I am trying to log in to gray page with my login to good data cloud, but still failing in authentization, is this page working properly? I wanted to check possibility for localization of dashboards. Is there support for Czech language localization?
Hi Marketa, in GoodData currently, the gray pages are only available for the GoodData Platform product: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/free/en/workspace-and-user-administration/administratin[…]and-workspace-objects/access-the-gray-pages-for-a-workspace/
You’ll need to refer to the following Cloud product documentation for Metadata Localization: https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/customize-appearance/change-display-language/ However, the Czech localization is currently not supported
Is it planned to add czech localization? 🙂
Hi Marketa, sorry for the delay in getting back to you - I missed your last update 🙂 The topic of Czech localization is already in the hands of our Product team and is still being reviewed for a future update to GoodData Cloud. Currently, we do not have it confirmed, or any set timeline for when the rollout of this feature might come to the GoodData Cloud platform. Consequently, I encourage you to stay informed by monitoring our Product Updates page. There, you’ll be promptly notified about the release schedule for this feature, along with other exciting new features and enhancements on the horizon. Visit the following link to access our Product Updates page: https://community.gooddata.com/product-updates
🙌 1
Thank you 🙂