Hi all, I am trying to insert a column in metrics ...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all, I am trying to insert a column in metrics section of a table insight. One of the fields belongs to a table (LDM) that has no date column, and once I insert this field (to calculate AVG of working hours) it removes the default date and doesn't follow the date filter. I tried to calculate this using a metric, but still the same issue. Is there a way to do this ? I can do it if I calculate this in the database and present it as a label instead of a AVG(Fact) but I was wondering if there is a way to do this without pre-calculate in the database
How does the fact connect to date in LDM? Is there some relation (perhaps through some dimension dataset) with 1:N cardinality meaning that for each fact the date can be unambiguously assigned?
Hi Jakub, yes, there is a relation 1:N between the tables (table 1 with fact but no date, and table 2, fact with date)
How it looks in modeler? Is there arrow pointing from the dataset with date to dataset with the fact (from one to many)?