Hi all, I need help with something that I've tried...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all, I need help with something that I've tried to fix for the past two days. I have a master workspace and child workspace. The master workspace works fine, but the child workspace shows error: Grain identifier="Id" was not found in dataset "..." within the dataset attributes or referenced attributes and dates. I've tried and removed the table, but then the same error happened with other table. Does anyone have any idea what is the error? I have a workspace filter for the master and workspace data filter settings for the child
Hi Goran, I have been checking our logs for the last few days and I keep seeing errors relating to the same object:
Copy code
errorType=com.gooddata.tiger.grpc.error.GrpcPropagatedClientException, message=Grain identifier='attribute/Space.Id/f221d0d2d5124e13a1394d565050013a' was not found in dataset='dataset/BookingOccurenceInformation/f221d0d2d5124e13a1394d565050013a' within the dataset attributes, or referenced attributes and dates.
This error indicates that the grain identifier
was not found in the specified dataset
. It seems that the attribute
is expected to be present in the dataset, but it is not available. To fix this error, you’ll need to ensure that the attribute
is correctly defined and available within the specified dataset
Hi Michael. Thnx for the info, I will double-check but the thing that bothers me is that the MasterWS workspace loads everything as it should. Also, the MasterWS is copied from another workspace that loads everything as it should. Just the children have problems
Can you tell me if you perhaps made some updates on your model in your MasterWS recently?
Recently yes, I deleted one of the tables that initially was causing problems, to see if it is the table or something else
And before this change, the models were identical? I think it might be best to compare the Data Models of the affected child workspace with the master workspace. Perhaps there is discrepancy in grain, attribute mappings, or filter settings that might be specific to the problematic ChildWS?
But doesn't the child workspace takes everything from the parent workspace? I have only created a Workspace Data Filter Settings for the child workspace nothing else
Also, there are two child workspaces and the same error is in both
I think that the Filter settings might be the problem, I will try to recreate everything again and see if the error happens again
Hi @Michael Ullock I have created a new parent workspace and one child workspace without creating filters or anything, just created the workspaces, and I get the same error. So it is not the filters that are causing the problem, I think it is something with the data source or LDM
Hi Goran, just a few hints that might help with the investigation I believe:the term “grain” refers to a primary key (or its component) and if I understand it well, the error is complaining that for dataset
the primary key contains attribute
but this attribute is not present in the dataset.
does this sound right to you? Should this attribute/column be part of the primary key? And is it present in the dataset?you can also get the model definition from the API with
API call to
and then inspect the proper dataset and values of its property “grain” to see what is really there and if it is is expected.
before removing the table you mentioned above, was its foreign key part of the primary key of the other dataset? I can imagine a situation where you had a primary key consisting of several foreign keys and you removed one of the tables its foreign key was for some reason not removed from the primary key.does the child workspace have any extension of the data model of the parent workspace or does it only inherit the parent model?you can check it with
API call to
if it returns just empty JSON it would mean that it is just using the parent model (which should work unless there is some bug I assume)
Actually, I was able to replicate this myself even with what I think is totally valid setup when using multi-column primary key. I am going to report this as a bug to GoodData engineers. In the meantime as a workaround I would recommend a disabling the the multi-column primary key in this setup (either keep it without a key or if you need it for any reason, replace it with some attribude made of concatenated values of the key-columns)
Great thanks, I will try to do this
Thnx @Michal Hauzírek
Just FYI - the engineers have identified a bug and the fix will go to one of the next releases.
Great, I just needed to fix my thing and thank you so much that you identified the issue. The fix to use multi-column key is nice but not that urgent
👍 1