Hi all, is there a plan to include the Swedish dat...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all, is there a plan to include the Swedish date format (ISO 8601) in the list of available date formats, as outlined in the documentation Change Date Format? Or, at a minimum, could the ISO 8601 format with English terms be added for broader compatibility?
Hi Evangelos, As far as I know, Swedish date format is not on our roadmap yet, but I am happy to share your feedback with our Product Management team. Let me also check internally what are our other possibilities here.
Thanks for the reply @Ivana Gasparekova, looking forward to your answer ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Hey @Ivana Gasparekova, any news on this? โ˜บ๏ธ
Hey @Evangelos Malandrakis, I am very sorry for my previous response, as it was completely unrelated to your question - crossed wires on my end. However, I have an update for you as well. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Unfortunately, as mentioned before, this option is not available within our product yet. The plan of our Product team is to support also the custom date formats, rather than continue extending the list of presets. I have shared your feedback with them already and I hope theyโ€™ll introduce this feature shortly. You can follow our Release Notes to get notified about all upcoming features.
Hello @Ivana Gasparekova, I might need some clarification on your approach. We aim to format date fields (as seen in the first screenshot) in the "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" style, rather than "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm." We initially opted for the Japanese format, but encountered an issue where months were displayed in Japanese characters (e.g. Jan, Feb). Could you advise on how we can achieve the desired format using either Swedish or English terms for the months?
Thanks for the reply @Ivana Gasparekova, we'll wait for the feature then๐Ÿ˜Š
Hi @Evangelos Malandrakis, Thanks for the clarification. I have highlighted your particular use-case to our Product management team and I hope this will be doable soon. ๐Ÿคž
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