Hi Can someone help me what is that error?
# gooddata-cloud
Hi Can someone help me what is that error?
Hi Vikas, Could you share more details with us, please? What are you trying to achieve and where are you hitting the issue?
i am getting this error on applying filters in my custom solutions
one more error i got
Thanks for additional details. May I know what SDK version are you using and what component are you working with, please?
9.5 version i am using it
i am working on InsightView Component
Thank you, Vikas. Let me please loop in also our engineering to review the error. We will get back to you shortly.
Hi Vikas, are you still getting the error? Or have you managed to get past this? I saw you posted a question regarding connecting attribute filter to a insight view component… If you still getting errors, could you confirm if it is the same or different and share some minimal reproducer code snippet where it’s happening?
yes, i am still getting error