Hi @Gooddata team- When i'm trying to load data in...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi @Gooddata team- When i'm trying to load data into a new table from Google Big Query, i'm getting the error:
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====================== Downloading and integrating data ======================

2024-01-25T13:39:14.122+0100 [ERROR]: Fail to load projects "[eoxm19spw3mf3zoxoplxn8a1x50tgx19]". Reason: Unable to query and split data for table=contactSource:
    Unable to query and split data for table=contactSource:
    class com.google.cloud.bigquery.FieldValueList cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (com.google.cloud.bigquery.FieldValueList is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'):
    class com.google.cloud.bigquery.FieldValueList cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (com.google.cloud.bigquery.FieldValueList is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
2024-01-25T13:39:24.124+0100 [INFO]:
Link to the project https://factops.on.gooddata.com/gdc/projects/eoxm19spw3mf3zoxoplxn8a1x50tgx19
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Hi Rishi, if I udnerstand it correctly, tou are receiving this error when loading data from BigQuery into your workspace eoxm19spw3mf3zoxoplxn8a1x50tgx19 in the GoodData Platform? (You posted this question to gooddata-cloud channel, there is actually a #gooddata-platform channel which might be better suited for this.). Anyways, for the error - is there any chance that your table
contains some complex data type that is not supported by GoodData? Here is a list of BigQuery data types supported by GoodData Platform.
No it is a very simple table, sample table data given below: Enterprise_id contactSource Contacts datetime 206 Form 30290 2024-01-25 123500.027489 UTC 206 Other 2 2024-01-25 123500.028710 UTC 206 Direct 23 2024-01-25 123500.029031 UTC
Enterprise_id and Contacts are INTEGER, contactSource is STRING and datetime is of type TIMESTAMP
OK. I don’t see any other related error so I am afraid I do not have more ideas where the root cause can be. So hopefully someone from GoodData support can help.
@Joseph Heun - Is this caused by the latest release? I can see others reporting issues
Rishi, the release today was related to the Cloud product and I believe you are working with the platform correct?
Based on the error alone and past experience, this is most likely related to the data types not matching in GD and BQ. Please check the underlying BQ table and make sure the data types are matching within the workspace’s LDM. If they all do match, please open a ticket with our support team as we will need to investigate directly in the workspace.
Thanks @Joseph Heun, i guess i'm using Platform version, let me know how do i raise the ticket?