Hi all, Is there any type of limit on the amount o...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all, Is there any type of limit on the amount of filters that can be added to an Insight? The Pie Chart specifically. When I add 20 filters the Ui does not allow me to add more filters.
Hi Brunno, Are we speaking about Dashboard/Insight filters here? Or is this rather related to the Pie Chart buckets? There’s a known limit of 20 metrics, more details can be found here .
Hi @Ivana Gasparekova, thank you! I’m talking about Insights, I can’t add more than 20 filters. Is this expected?
I see, thanks for the clarification. I know that we can only apply up to 20 attributes filters per metric. I am afraid, the limit is the same for the whole visualization. Please let me double-check this with our Product and Documentation team.
I see! Thank you! I can add more than 20 attributes filters when it’s a table report, it would be really appreciated if I could do the same for other types.
Could you send me a screenshot of such table visualiztion with more than 20 attribute filters, please?
Yes, sure! I will DM it to you
Thank you!!
Thank you too!
Do you know if using the Good Data React SDK this filters attributes limit is the same? I mean, can I use attributes filters through the Good Data React SDK that there are not in the Insight view?
Limits should be the same. But what I found out so far, there are differences between the Drag & Drop method and the filter bar dropdown menu. However, the filters seem to really behave differently for certain visualization types. I have shared your observation with our Product and Documentation team and we will try our best make you experience better. Good catch, definitely!
Thank you, @Ivana Gasparekova ! We really need to have more than 20 filters for our reports
Do you know the answer about the react sdk? Or if I can add the attribute filters using the python sdk?
I am afraid, this is not possible right now either. May I know why do you need more than 20 filters, please? So many filters might affect the performance of your analytics.
That’s the nature of the report. It has many columns and in our existing structure the user can filter by any of the existing columns. I need to do the same in Good Data
Have you maybe considered to rather drill in to another Insight to build some hierarchy?
I’m not sure how to do that. Do you mean break the report in more than one?
Yes, exactly. You can find more details about the drilling here.
Unfortunately it would not solve my issue. The entire app structure we have for Good Data now is based on Insights and embed the Insights in our React Web App and not Dashboards. Our user expects to see the report entirely with all filters.
@Ivana Gasparekova Do you think we could solve this? I’m going to discuss with my team, but I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be a blocker for us
Sorry for the radio silence here. I was waiting for the feedback from our engineering. Right now it is not possible, I am really sorry for any inconvenience caused by that. As a workaround, you can try to use a different visualization type and add the filters via filter bar dropdown menu(not via drag and drop). Although, I’ve submitted a product feedback on your behalf and our Product management team have informed me that option to add multiple filters across different visualization types should be implemented within upcoming quarter or two. Please follow our Release Notes to get notified about upcoming changes and new features.
Thank you very much, Ivana! I will be keeping my eyes on the release notes
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