Hello! We have an issue with the geo chart insight...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello! We have an issue with the geo chart insights. We had a geo chart that worked well and now (while we didn't change anything) we have the message "SORRY, WE CAN'T DISPLAY THIS INSIGHT" and the following trace ID : 9afb7e9c4c50ccd4ba14ad346533090c. I tried to recreate that insight from scratch but I have the the same issue. As soon as I drop the address field, the error is raised.
Hi Laura, can you please expand on this for me “As soon as I drop the address field” ? The Geo chart is working, and then you remove an attribute and the error appears?
Hi Michael, No so I create a new insight, then choose the geo chart, then drop the address field and from that point I have the error. Is it clearer ?
Hi Laura, thanks for clarifying - From our logs I can see the follow issue relating to the trace ID:
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The limit for the maximum size of the dimension without metrics was exceeded.
Hi Michael, thanks but I'm not sure to understand what it means. Is the issue related to the metrics or the address field ?
I think I found the issue : there is one address field empty : when I exclude it, it works. What is curious is that this insight was working before (and that address field was already empty). Do you know if something has changed recently ?
Hi Laura, sorry for not providing more details in my previous response, but the error indicates that you’re hitting the size limit when not using a metric in your insight, so we would recommend you to add a metric there, or limit the amount of data by filtering. In regards to the empty value, there was no changes recently that would affect this. Perhaps it was working previously because you were not hitting this limit, and the amount of data in your workspace/dataset has increased?