Hey. Can we not set null as filter values? Every t...
# gooddata-cloud
Hey. Can we not set null as filter values? Every time I do it and click save, it crashes with the following error, but the filter still works when I refresh the page
Hi Filip, you should be able to incorporate null values into your filters in GD Cloud. If they are attribute filters, you can do this by selecting the (empty value) option on the filter drop-down; if you are filtering a fact/metric value, you can use the *treat blank values as 0* checkbox to display nulls as zeroes. What are the exact steps you take that lead to the error? Would you show me how you select the null in your filters?
I just add them to the top filter pane and select empty value only.
Missing Data Analysis - GoodData Cloud - Google Chrome 2023-10-18 18-44-28.mp4
Thanks for the extra details! Does the error happen regardless of the attribute being used? Applying the filter works as expected, it’s just when saving that it errors out, correct?
It doesn't matter which field I use, it still breaks. It does save it, so I just have to refresh and drag it into the page from the insight selector.
OK I will try to reproduce this on my end and discuss this one internally. I’ll get back to you as soon as we have an update!
Hi Filip, I ran some tests on my end and didn’t get any errors on null values on my filters, even when setting it to empty values only. See the screenshot. My table is quite simple, so it’s possible that it requires more complexity before it breaks. I’d like to try and isolate the error you received on our logs. Can you provide me with an exact timestamp of when it occurred? It would also be useful if you could also locate the
from the Error Response Payload. 🙂
This was done 2 minutes ago, and I don't see a trace id anywhere
👍 1
Thank you. We are looking into this one internally and will get back to you with more info as soon as possible!
It looks like Analytical Designer is trying to query a table that no longer exists. I’ve sent the details via PM, please check the table, if it was in fact removed, you will need to adjust your LDM accordingly.
This is very strange. In BQ, we have reload processes that pull from MySQL, then store that in temp table, then delete the old BQ table and create a new one with the same name - this is essentially how we create the replica in BQ. But the point where the table doesn't exist is a split second. Furthermore, we do this to all our tables. This table isn't directly in the LDM. It's in the view that I create and then add the view to the LDM. Not sure how to proceed here.
Hi Filip, thank you for the reply with the extra details. We’d like to investigate and troubleshoot further. Would you kindly assist us by Generating a HAR File of the issue for us? Please send it to me via PM, as it can contain private/sensitive information. The zendesk article I just linked has some useful steps for this, should you need them. Thanks!
Has there been any updated on this @Francisco Antunes?
Hi @Filip Charikov I wrote you a DM
Any update here? It's been 3 weeks now...
Our apologies for the radio silence. We’ve submitted an internal ticket to our engineers and currently we plan to rollout the fix on our next product release scheduled for November 30th, but should this date change or be brought forward, we will let you know in advance.
@Moises Morales So it was a bug of some sort and behaviour was not working as intended?
The behaviour is not desirable, that’s correct. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!