Is there a tool that can convert GoodData Platform...
# gooddata-cloud
Is there a tool that can convert GoodData Platform LDM json to a format that is suitable for GoodData Cloud? I know the json configuration is a bit different between Cloud and Platform. Is it possible to use the 'jq' utility to convert from platform to cloud?
Hi John, please let us check this internally for you and will get back you with more details.
Hi John, We have discussed this question internally and we can confirm that this is not yet possible within GoodData. However, it raised some discussion that it would be good to introduce some functionality to export an universal LDM in JSON format which would be usable in both GoodData Platform & GoodData Cloud (or Cloud Native). I am definitely marking this as product feedback. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
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@Julius Kos Thank you for letting me know.
@Julius Kos Is there any kind of spec that is available that gives the json key/value information between the platform version and the cloud version?
Hi John, once again please let us check this internally and will get back you with more details asap.
probable easier question - is it possible to convert GD Platform LDM Json to Cloud Connnect MAQL LDM or vise versa?