Hello all, we are seeing some unusual behavior on ...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello all, we are seeing some unusual behavior on GoodData Insights. We know the limitation on the number of rows at 100.000 rows but even with smaller set of data of 9000 rows, it seems to be sampling the record set while rendering the report in insight view. The missing rows show up when we add a filter, but they do not rendering when we are sorting by column. cc: @Brunno Araujo @Sol Madadha
We are running the same report as table and as a graph view. Graph view is consolidated. The source of both the insights is a view on Redshift.
The graph matches the row count exactly however the table view seems to missing many rows. The total rows in Data Source is 9379. The graph showed this value correctly. However exports from the table varied. Initially it was only 1100 and then it increased to 9350. But is still short.
I’ve reached out to you internally to gather more details.
Thanks Moises, we will take it via DMs.