Issue with authentication with external React app ...
# gooddata-cloud
Issue with authentication with external React app 🧵
We haven't setup authentication for our web app, but we thought that we initially we would be able to authenticate our users through GoodData by a login page, after they've been rendering the report page into our app.
Copy code
const backend = tigerFactory()   .onHostname(process.env.REACT_APP_GOODDATA_URL).withAuthentication(new ContextDeferredAuthProvider(redirectToTigerAuthentication));
Unfortunately, this page is infinite loading the login at and after we login with our password all the requests to GoodData are receiving 401 response
We tried the same while we were in trial mode, and we would be able to successfully login and authenticate when we were prompted to that page. Is it because you were providing an Auth0 provider during trial, while now that we migrated to our production environment it is not set? Thank you in advance
Hi Menelaos, you mentioned the new Auth0 provider not being set yet. Do I understand it correctly that you haven’t finished configuring the new OIDC provider for the Prod environment? On our welcome email we would have sent you the resources to perform that task, such as this article. If your authentication method was working before and stopped after the switch that would indeed be a good place to start troubleshooting. Let us know!
Is there any chance that anyone is able to authenticate, without having an Auth0 provider set up?
@Francisco Antunes following up on this, can you confirm the above? Thank you
Hi Menelaos, I understand that you have created a recent ticket to address this matter, so I consider this thread resolved. However, let us know if you need any further assistance. 🙌🏼
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