Hey, just tried to save a SQL dataset in the data ...
# gooddata-cloud
Hey, just tried to save a SQL dataset in the data tab and I get the following error ๐Ÿงต
Why is that?
Copy code
  "detail": "Only unique entities are allowed for the operation. Non-unique entity IDs=[Identifier(untitled_sql_dataset.type)/Workspace(079ded41cc594b478b3e76bf04295715)].",
  "status": 400,
  "title": "Bad Request",
  "traceId": "bd793cfbb9f69ef9"
Hi Menelaos, Could it be possible that your model already contains a dataset with the same name as the one that you are trying to save now?
Also, please double-check if you named your new dataset - the title cannot be empty.
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Hey @Ivana Gasparekova, thank you for your response. Would you be able to explain further what "dataset" means? The new model, is a query that retrieves data from other models inside the schema.
The concept of GoodData dataset is described here: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/model-data/concepts/dataset/ True is that SQL datasets are not mentioned there, I am raising an internal issue to our DOC team. But the concept stays the same - they are a logical representation of database tables OR sql queries(SQL datasets). They decouple you from the physical model and provide you "logical" features such as what is fact/attribute/label/date dimension, define business titles/descriptions, define granularity(~primary key). relations between datasets(even M:N), etc.
Thanks @Jan Soubusta for your response. How should I follow up on this? Should I wait for further assistance from your side?
I assume, there is no need to wait for our Documentation team till they update the article mentioned by Jan. Or do you have some trouble with setup of the title, please?
I've setup the title @Ivana Gasparekova and I still get the same error
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"content=ldm status=400 error={\"detail\":\"Only unique entities are allowed for the operation. Non-unique entity IDs=[Identifier(training_suggestions.type)/Workspace(***)].\",\"status\":400,\"title\":\"Bad Request\",\"traceId\":\"21d98004472fdad7\"}"
I don't see the full SQL statement, please, copy&paste it here
Just sent it in DM, for security purposes
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In the meanwhile, you can review this article.
Thanks @Ivana Gasparekova. This is exactly what I took as an example to create the SQL dataset I'm talking about.
Cool, thank you for the confirmation. I hope that Jan will help you find the reason of that error.
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Following up on this I successfully resolved the issue after @Jan Soubustaโ€™s help. Thank you ๐Ÿ™Œ
Another issue I have though, just tried to retrieve from the database a uuid field, but getting a message that it's unsupported. How is it possible that you don't support uuid type while it works for the rest of the fields? Thank you in advance
Do you use it in a SQL dataset or in a standard dataset?
In a SQL dataset. In the same I DMed you yesterday
Let me check it internally
It's a bug, sorry for that. Will be fixed today and released as soon as possible.
OK great, thanks for that. Please let me know when this is fixed?
Should be released this month, July 27th. Sooner, you could test it with our single container community edition, tag dev_latest is released every Wednesday.
Well, this is quite blocking since we would need to release the report earlier than this date. Would you be able to provide a workaround on how to produce the following report? We have a table in our db called xxx and we do the SQL joins I've DMed you in order to produce the report. Up to now, I've added them as rows in the report I want to produce, however, I think I would need to add the primary_key to the metrics part in order to identify each row, correct?
CAST the column to VARCHAR data type
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