Hi Guys, can you please help me with Embed-- I hav...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi Guys, can you please help me with Embed-- I have used IFRAME, WEB-Component and React SDK Embed , For me all are Displaying in a single Website, is there a way to Display these in separate Links, Like For IFRAME to Display in one Link, and for Web-Component to Display in another link?
Hello Hari, I am not sure what you mean. You want to open another browser tab when you load the dashboard?
Yes Yes, that's exactly what i'm saying
that would depend on design of your app, you would need to create separate page for each a navigate between them. Or you can have some button that would open dashboard in a new window by simply navigating to the embedded dashboard link i.e. https://{your_hostname}//dashboards/embedded/#/workspace/{worlspace_id}/dashboard/{dashboard_id}