Hi, I am trying to update the workspaceDataFilter...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi, I am trying to update the workspaceDataFilterSetting for a workspaceDataFilter. When I invoke ​/api​/v1​/entities​/workspaces​/{workspaceId}​/workspaceDataFilters​/{objectId}, I get a 501 error "Persisting 'to many' entity relationships is not supported yet. Property 'WorkspaceDataFilter.filterSettings' must not be filled during the operation" an example traceid is 3393f611163ca540 If this is not possible via the ​/api​/v1​/entities​/workspaces​/{workspaceId}​/workspaceDataFilters​/{objectId} endpoints....what is the recommended approach?
Creating filters including their settings through this entity API is not yet supported. Currently, only GET is possible. You have to store filters with their settings through the declarative API - /api/v1/layout/workspaceDataFilters. For now, we recommend to store declarative definitions in a git repository and deliver it only from a pipeline on top of this repository.
Thanks Joseph...is there an ETA on when it will be supported?
We don’t have an ETA yet, but I can certainly mark this down for product feedback to be evaluated as a feature.
🎉 New note created.
Thanks again!
Joseph, Question about storing the filters in a pipeline. We’re a company that will have thousands of workspaces that will be required to add new workspaces programmatically. Meaning we won’t have the luxury or storing that configuration in a git repository and then deploying through a pipeline. Is that the only recommended approach to dealing with these?
The other option is through steps mentioned here by creating a JSON file: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/2.3/workspaces/workspace-data-filters/
Joseph...the concern with the approach in that document is "The data filters in the JSON document will replace all currently configured data filters." So following the example if I had 1000 regions, I would need to create a workspacedatafilter with 1000 workspacedatafiltersettings. If I then add region 1001, I have to reissue the call with 1001 workspacedatafiltersettings, rather than a CRUD call with 1 new workspacedatafiltersetting Seems like a bit of overkill....what is the expected lag time between issuing the call with 1001 and completion? As it processes does that mean there will be workspaces that are unfiltered for a period of time? In our case we will have thousands of workspaces.