Hi All, I am trying to change one of the GDC confi...
# gooddata-platform
Hi All, I am trying to change one of the GDC configurations
which is set to
by default and getting an authorization error. I was able to change any or all other configurations, except this one. Can you please suggest if there is anything else I need to do ?
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  "settingItem": {
    "key": "enableGDLabsLdmVisualizer",
    "value": "false",
    "source": "catalog",
    "links": {
      "self": "/gdc/projects/<my workspace ID>/config/enableGDLabsLdmVisualizer"
Copy code
  "error": {
    "errorClass": "AuthorizationFailedException",
    "trace": "",
    "message": "Cannot create the setting",
    "component": "settings-service",
    "errorId": "0a496feb-6a7c-4665-b619-30a56d69d25a",
    "errorCode": "gdc.security.authorization",
    "parameters": []
Hello Shankar, this particular Platform Setting is set as
, meaning that it can only be set by GoodData Support. As our article on Platform Settings explains, only the settings listed there should be changed by customers. There are additional settings there that are deprecated, or system-settings, that should not be handled. In this case,
is a part of the GDLabs feature that has been deprecated earlier this year, so it cannot be toggled anymore. Can you tell us a bit more about what you were hoping to achieve by this change?
Thank you @Francisco Antunes for the quick response. I am basically trying to figure out if I can use VS Code for GoodData and wanted to try out in GD Labs first.
I see. I’m afraid that GoodData for VS Code is a GoodData Cloud feature; It’s not available on GoodData Platform. Things may get a bit confusing, as GDLabs is a legacy feature of GD Platform that shares the same name as GD Cloud’s GoodData Labs, where we provide specialized Trial domains where our users can evaluate the newest features on a sort of private beta-testing. These features are completely unrelated, however. Does that make more sense? Are you trying to use the CLI/VS Code extension alongside such a trial Org?
Yes, you are spot on. I am currently using GoodData Platform and wanted to see if I can use VS Code to manage/maintain the developer journey.
Gotcha. Sadly, as I said, the VS Code extension doesn’t work alongside GoodData Platform, only with GD Cloud (it is, in fact, one of its several shiny new features 😉 )
Thank you Francisco.