Hi all, I have a datamodel in which there are seve...
# gooddata-platform
Hi all, I have a datamodel in which there are several expense items, that have a link to a Transaction datatable with a Posting Date, and a Report datatable with a Submission Date. I'm trying to find the difference between each of the dates. So, I decided to create a DATETIME_DIFF() metric but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can you help?
Hi Hans, my colleague Jakub posted this below 🙂 https://gooddataconnect.slack.com/archives/C01USCF4S10/p1708693778418739
Thanks both, I'll check it out 🙂
Hi Jakub, I managed to create the metric as described above. Next I wanted to display an (empty value) when one of the dates are unavailable. I tried by applying the where clause, but it seems to remove the records from the query in which either one of the dates are empty. Can you explain me how I can show an (empty value) when on of the dates are empty?
Also when both dates are (empty) this gives a 0.0, can this be amended into an (empty value) ?
Hi @Jakub Sterba, I've implemented the date difference as suggested above, with Report Id being the PK of the Report table. But, when I do not show the Report Id in the Insight, but its more readable form "Report Reference" the metrics are not available anymore. I need the dates to be available in the context of that table. Can you help?
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SELECT CASE WHEN Date (Settlement Date) = (empty value) THEN -99999, WHEN Date (Control Date) = (empty value) THEN -99999 ELSE (SELECT Date (Settlement Date) - Date (Control Date) BY Report Id) END
Hi Hans, what you have written is not proper metric which can be used in different contexts (sliced by various attributes such as Report Reference) because it misses aggregation. The metric with BY rule tells that in addition to dimensions used in report difference shall be calculated also on granularity of Report Id. In case Report Id is the only attribute used for breakdown of the report there is no problem. In the report with Report Reference the engine assumes there may be multiple Report Ids for one Report Reference. You can add there some aggregation function like SUM or AVG to tell the engine how to reduce multiple results of date difference to granularity of the report:
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SELECT CASE WHEN Date (Settlement Date) = (empty value) THEN -99999, WHEN Date (Control Date) = (empty value) THEN -99999 ELSE (SELECT SUM(Date (Settlement Date) - Date (Control Date)) BY Report Id) END
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SELECT SUM(SELECT CASE WHEN Date (Settlement Date) = (empty value) THEN -99999, WHEN Date (Control Date) = (empty value) THEN -99999 ELSE (SELECT Date (Settlement Date) - Date (Control Date) BY Report Id) END)
maybe following statement will be even better:
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SELECT MIN(SELECT CASE WHEN Date (Settlement Date) = (empty value) THEN -99999, WHEN Date (Control Date) = (empty value) THEN -99999 ELSE Date (Settlement Date) - Date (Control Date END BY Report Id)
it should create vector of differences for each report ID or -99999 when date value is (empty value) and minimum will be returned on the granularity of the report
you can also consider using WHERE or HAVING filter to filter out the values. (empty value) will be displayed if such metric is displayed in a table with other metric which has value for row with empty date
-99999 can be also formatted as “empty value” using conditional metric format
@Jakub Sterba I will read the above and check it out. Thanks!