is it possible that GoodData Platform is down at t...
# gooddata-platform
is it possible that GoodData Platform is down at the moment? Can’t reach anything on the gooddata domain
Hi Thomas, we got reported some DNS issue on the internet which leads to troubles in resolving gooddata related hostnames. We are trying to find out more at the moment.
good luck and thanks for the fast response
I thought I'm the only one experiencing 😅
Same in France. GoodData not reachable
You can try switching to a different network to see if it helps for the time being to see if another network allows access.
@Jakub Kopecky what is the process to follow the incident ?
@Joseph Heun it works from vpn indeed, thanks, are you aware of how does it affect embedded insights/dashboards?
On our side all embedded dashboards are affected. I got this mail from support "There is currently an on-going issue with our DNS provider. This results in some users not being able to access the environment based on what DNS resolvers they use. We are checking with our DNS provider and will update you with more details as they become available."
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Sorry Joseph, I cannot even reach that link
@Hans Cornette Hi Hans, the content of that page is below:
Copy code
Wed, Feb 7th, 2024: Unexpected Platform Issue connected to DNS FollowNot yet followed by anyone
We have been notified that some of you are encountering difficulties when trying to access our platform. Currently, our platform is facing accessibility issues for some users, which we have determined are related to DNS problems beyond our direct control. We are in close contact with our DNS provider to address and resolve these issues as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Please stay tuned for updates, and feel free to reach out to our support team for any concerns or further assistance.
Hi Kota, It works for me now, thanks!
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DNS configuration issue was found and fixed and the changes are now propagating. This should take about 2 hours, but improvements may be noticeable sooner.
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that is the latest update we have
Hello guys, Can this data load process error be related to the DNS issue?
yes, failed tasks would go along, have you retried already? maybe wait a bit and then do
Yes, retried a couple of times. Will wait a little bit. Thanks
we already see the improvement so hopefully soon - let me know
Hi everyone, we are starting to see a lot of improvements, but we wanted to check to see if any of you are still facing issues. Could you please confirm?
It seems to be working fine on our side, data loading processes are running fine. Thanks.
glad to hear, thx for confirmation
Hello guys, we are having issues now with running user bricks:
Can it be related?
yes, this is related. Some ETL’s can fail, but you can try and restart them. The situation is still stabilizing, but the issue may still occur for some customers. Thank you for your patience.
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