Hi All :wave: I am trying to delete a workspace an...
# gooddata-platform
Hi All 👋 I am trying to delete a workspace and unable to do so after following the instructions listed here. • Attempted from the workspace management option to delete -- did not work • Attempted via API --> I get the below 409 Conflict error.
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  "error": {
    "component": "GDCLWPUserAgent",
    "errorClass": "Conflict",
    "message": "Segment Master Project %s can be set only to 'ENABLED' or 'DISABLED' state ('%s' given).",
    "parameters": [
    "requestId": "epBCey1jmdbScSeM:6glbtiy9z0y1ebq8"
Can someone please guide on the next steps ?
Hi Shankar, you are trying to delete a project that is currently set as a Segment Master (essential part of the LCM feature - it is the project used as the blueprint to distribute changes across your GoodData domain). To prevent admins from accidentally deleting a Master (as it would break the entire LCM), GoodData does not allow active masters to be deleted - only Disabled. If you want to delete such a project, it would be necessary to either: • Create another Master project via the Release Brick and assign it to the previous master’s segments via the Rollout Brick; Or • If you are no longer using LCM, and do not want to add a new Master, you can delete the segment linked to the current Master, which will allow it to be deleted. The segment can be deleted via this API call, or through the Grey Pages.
👀 1
Hi @Francisco Antunes Thank you for the response. I am trying to cleanup some of the unnecessary workspaces and this is one of the many that needs cleanup. So, I am trying to follow the route of deleting the segments followed by deleting the workspace. I am trying the API route to delete the segment but I am getting an error:
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  "error": {
    "errorClass": "AuthorizationFailedException",
    "trace": "",
    "message": "Can be accessed only by domain admin",
    "component": "webapp-service",
    "errorId": "de83c6bd-0bcc-459f-bfea-3ada4bd29ff3",
    "errorCode": "gdc.security.authorization",
    "parameters": []
While the error indicates that a domain admin can delete, I am using the domain admin/workspace admin credentials but still the error. Can you please tell me how I can delete the segment ?
Nevermind, I got it to work and was able to delete the segment. It was difficult to retrieve the domainID, which was causing all the problems. From the API documentation, I felt it will be something like {my domain.com} but it was simply {my domain}. 😄
Nice catch! That’s right, the call was failing due to the wrong domainId. I’m glad to hear you managed to get it working! 🙂
Now that the segment is deleted; Can I simply delete the workspace from the platform Manage section or should i use the API route instead ?
I believe either method should work now.
Okay, so I was able to successfully delete the segment and its corresponding lcm master workspace (prod). Now I am trying to delete the Dev Master workspace which was the source of this lcm but getting a conflict. There is no downstream lcm linked to this dev master workspace. If I share the API output with requestID can you please guide me on what is missing ?
Copy code
  "error": {
    "component": "GDCLWPUserAgent",
    "errorClass": "Conflict",
    "message": "Segment Master Project %s can be set only to 'ENABLED' or 'DISABLED' state ('%s' given).",
    "parameters": [
    "requestId": "LBLeJDoWEh67RPq3:v7zvba7dz8ynqcfv"
👀 1
It’s actually the same problem, but on the
domain instead! You see, the Dev Master is also connected to a segment (in this case,
), but on the DEV domain. So the same solution applies — delete the segment on the other domain, or promote a different project to dev master.
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okay, all good now. I was using redice as the domain which was causing the issue with the dev instances. redica-dev is to be used instead.
🙌 1
Appreciate the help Francisco! Have a great weekend ahead. 🤝
My pleasure! You too!