Hello, I was plotting the active users in GoodSucc...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, I was plotting the active users in GoodSuccess of our some under performing workspaces like so. Unfortunately when the number drops to 0, the actual data is missing. In visualisation, this doesn't really make sense because what you would want to know is if it is 0. Can this somehow be improved? I would like to use this visual in combination with continuous line, but this removes the number 0. I know the bar chart doesn't /suffer/ from this, but that makes it harder to compare.
Hi Hans, I’ve taken a quick look at this chart on GoodSuccess and it’s based on the following metric:
Copy code
SELECT SUM(SELECT (SELECT SUM(Consolidated Execution Count) BY User TechID)/(SELECT SUM(Consolidated Execution Count) BY User TechID))
Since it divides itself by itself, whenever the execution count is 0 (thus, 0 users), it gets divided by 0, which by my testing causes it to result in a
value. Which is why they disappear from the chart. If you have editor’s rights to your GoodSuccess workspace, may I suggest duplicating the metric and wrapping it in a IFNULL statement to replace nulls with 0? Then you can use this new metric in a chart and it should give you the zeroes.
I tried, but... SELECT SUM(SELECT IFNULL((SELECT SUM(Consolidated Execution Count) BY User TechID)/(SELECT SUM(Consolidated Execution Count) BY User TechID),0)) nor SELECT IFNULL(SUM(SELECT (SELECT SUM(Consolidated Execution Count) BY User TechID)/(SELECT SUM(Consolidated Execution Count) BY User TechID)),0) did the trick. They stayed unavailable.
I’m running some tests here and also having trouble getting the IFNULL to display zeroes. Lemme check this one internally and I’ll let you know!
I can only get it to work when not slicing by *Execution Type*; The IFNULL metric (set up as
SELECT IFNULL(*Consolidated Active Users*, 0) +0
) will work then; Would a graph without the UI Type work out for you? Otherwise, I’d be happy to reach out to our team that handles GoodSuccess so they can manage this graph to try and find a workable solution
What I would like to know is if someone accessed theplatform to see something. I'm not entirely sure, if that helped?
I mocked up a quick Insight for you to check out a working metric, I will DM it to you!