Hi! After moving one of our customers workspaces f...
# gooddata-platform
Hi! After moving one of our customers workspaces from the segment that allows bigger amount of custom fields to a smaller one, updating LDM to match proper MASTER workspace model fails with the error:
Synchronize LDM cannot proceed. Adjust your update_preferences and try again. Available chunks with preference: {:cascade_drops=>true, :preserve_data=>true}, {:cascade_drops=>true, :preserve_data=>false}
. I assume there are some attributes used in the metrics or insights that should be deleted or updated manually. Is there a way to easily identify those attributes (those could be also facts or date datasets), that are causing the issue?
Hi Hanna, if I’m not mistaken the objects that are causing the conflict should be listed in the execution log. You should be looking for “updateOperations”. The settings you are using in the roll out brick must be:
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"update_preference": {
    "allow_cascade_drops": "false",
    "keep_data": "true"
but the changes you are introducing allow the following combination:
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{:cascade_drops=>true, :preserve_data=>true}, {:cascade_drops=>true, :preserve_data=>false}
So, to resolve the issue, there are several ways how to address it: - Do not drop the objects - Allow “cascade drop”. Please note this will result in deleting any objects depending on dropped attributes, even not directly dependent. - Remove the dependencies from the client project prior to running Rollout.
Thanks, I wanted to follow the third option - Remove the dependencies from the client project prior to running Rollout. Unfortunately I don’t see in the execution log conflicting objects, but I think I managed to identify them. In the Rollout log there’s only a list of projects to be updated and this error at the end
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I, [2023-11-08T07:03:29.081388 #7]  INFO -- : Updating from Blueprint, project: 'Project Name', PID: qkjmtwgjhgvmrlqdv6gzplauku67g816
E, [2023-11-08T07:05:17.501098 #7] ERROR -- : Execution GoodData::LCM2::SynchronizeLdm failed. Error: Synchronize LDM cannot proceed. Adjust your update_preferences and try again. Available chunks with preference: {:cascade_drops=>true, :preserve_data=>true}, {:cascade_drops=>true, :preserve_data=>false}. Detail:["/src/lib/gooddata/models/project_creator.rb:207:in `pick_correct_chunks'", "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project_creator.rb:69:in `migrate_datasets'", "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project_creator.rb:29:in `migrate'", "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project.rb:2156:in `update_from_blueprint'", "/src/lib/gooddata/lcm/actions/synchronize_ldm.rb:157:in `block in sync_segment_ldm'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby- `block in pmap'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby- `block in spawn_worker'"]
E, [2023-11-08T07:05:17.534138 #7] ERROR -- : Execution failed. Error: [
    "action": "GoodData::LCM2::SynchronizeLdm",
    "err": "Synchronize LDM cannot proceed. Adjust your update_preferences and try again. Available chunks with preference: {:cascade_drops=>true, :preserve_data=>true}, {:cascade_drops=>true, :preserve_data=>false}",
    "backtrace": [
      "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project_creator.rb:207:in `pick_correct_chunks'",
      "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project_creator.rb:69:in `migrate_datasets'",
      "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project_creator.rb:29:in `migrate'",
      "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project.rb:2156:in `update_from_blueprint'",
      "/src/lib/gooddata/lcm/actions/synchronize_ldm.rb:157:in `block in sync_segment_ldm'",
      "/usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby- `block in pmap'",
      "/usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby- `block in spawn_worker'"
The execution finished with error
Glad to hear you were able to identify them! Could you please confirm everything is OK now with the brick?
Unfortunately not fully, now there’s the following error:
410 Gone: Background task failed: Failed to get project model request_id: 654bca95559afe7305192bad:HjZuBFSm9GMFUO8_kl4-eQ:2mv4IHEGPBiTn4uaArL3nw:svNJpvPFvzastQ9x
- what does it mean? I’ve noticed such error in the past few times but it always resolved after a retry, now it’s reappearing one after another
Sorry to hear that. I see my colleague @Daniela Salmeron has replied on the internal ticket #117687. Please take a look at the response and follow up there if you have any further questions.
👌 1