Hello, Is something going wrong with the GeoChart?...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, Is something going wrong with the GeoChart? I'mfacing this issue with a couple of projects
Hello Hans, Could you confirm that we are speaking about embedded Geochart/Dashboard?
I'm working on the gd platform. I didn't embed it in another webpage.
✔️ 1
Thank you, that is bit strange. It looks your GeoChart is prompting you for the MapBox token, but that shouldn’t really happen, unless you are working with our SDK in embedded environment as mentioned here. I am really sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me double-check this internally.
Hi again @Hans Cornette, Thank you for bearing with me. Could you be so kind and share with me the ID of your project/workspace, please? Feel free to send via DM. Also, could you let me know what was the last time the GeoChart worked as expected, please?
So far I was unable to replicate the issue in my own testing environment, but I am checking with our Product team if there were any recent changes.