localhost login page found but when i host it on s...
# gooddata-platform
localhost login page found but when i host it on staging it show 404
Hi Gaurav, Would you mind explaining what exactly are you trying to achieve here? Based on the pictures, it looks like you are trying to access the GoodData Gray Pages but from the website where you host your GD.UI app, is that so? Note that it isn’t the actual login page to the workspace, if that’s what you are looking for.
Hey, this seems like a server side problem with your app and not GD related. Proxy maybe? I did not see you using staging url before only localhost.
@Francisco Antunes I try to open my gooddata project in i frame
please reply
we know it is an iframe but as I said the 404 screenshot indicates you have trouble on that staging url, you never replied, is this the first time you are testing it outside of localhost?
I would start with stackoverflow search on similar error
unfortunately this might be multiple different reasons starting with some typo, quote or nonprint character in the iframe src… proxy, directory issue etc
so how can we handle this
step by step troubleshooting of what I mentioned above, start with the iframe I am sorry but since it is not an error coming from us I would be just guessing
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. now i am getting this error
please reply
Hi Gaurav, I believe you have opened another thread regarding this topic in gd-beginners. As this still seems tied directly to your app, could you please take the necessary steps as previously mentioned. Do you need JavaScript for your app? The error indicates that you might. If there is an error specifically from the GoodData side, could you please provide that with all the steps you are taking up until the point you see the error?
I replied in the other channel