hello, Is there a way we can control how dashboard...
# gooddata-platform
hello, Is there a way we can control how dashboards are sorted in the dashboards menu? Other than the numerical and alphabetical order?
Hi @Hans Cornette, The sorting is se by default as alphabetical/numerical for now. Happy to help to ask our Product management team for some custom sorting.
🎉 New note created.
What I would need to show to my customers is the name of a dashboard in a particular order. The visualisation works for now, but the prefix of number/letters takes away valuable dashboard name space in the menu. When they become too big then we see the ellipsis to cope with, since the menu width is fixed. An option to play with both would be appreciated since they relate. Thanks Ivana.
✅ 1
Thank you very much for additional details, noted!
Question that follows the organisation of these dashboards: Is there a way to make users arrive at a certain dashboard? Set a default or so?)
This can be achieved in embedded environment by specifying the certain Dashboard object in embedding URL. Otherwise, user initially lands on the Dashboard listed as a first and shared with them. Then they land on the lastly visited Dashboard by default.
Thank you!