Hello, I wanted to create a StyleSettings based on...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, I wanted to create a StyleSettings based on the template of default. When I download the default there is no .json data and therefor it will use the default setting 🙂 Is there a way to download the default StyleSettings in json format?
Hi Hans, there isn’t a template for the default theme itself. Rather, if you go to the grey pages when activating the theme (<domain>/gdc/projects/{workspace_id}/config/), you would simply leave the text box blank to revert to the default setting.
I believe Hans does not want to use the default setting as is, but rather use it as a baseline/inspiration and modify some parts of it. Am I correct, @Hans Cornette? I am afraid there is no such thing currently in the product, but I agree this makes sense to have this available. I've found a conplete structure of the stylesettings here in the documentation: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/growth/en/dashboards-and-insights/create-custom-themes/theme-properties/ but to be honest I am not sure if this one is the default one. We can check with our developers if this is it or if we have something even better.
@Michal Hauzirek indeed that's the case. The StyleSettings on the help pages, look like the default one it's not it 🙂 As a company we like the default settings because there's probably gone some thought in creating it, making sure the colors are fine for visualization. We wanted to update the first 3 with our brand colours and keep the rest.
I see, there are actually even more examples on this help page: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/growth/en/dashboards-and-insights/create-custom-themes/theme-examples/ but none of them seems to be the default 😞 Let us check with our developers and doc team and ask them to add the default theme there.
Yes, I know that page 🙂 Thanks for helping out!
Actually in the meantime, if you only want to change the first three colors, it seems you do not need the full default theme to achieve that. Based on the documentation, you can define just the differences in your theme:
You can update any number of the properties (only one, or a subset, or all of them). The properties that you do not define in the JSON structure remain intact.
(Still I believe it is worth having the defaults documented)
Thanks for the update. I will try that.