Hi all , I am implementing a user filter brick, bu...
# gooddata-platform
Hi all , I am implementing a user filter brick, but when i run the brick i am receiving an error that says
id for data_product has to be provided
, can anyone help me understand why i am facing this error and how to resolve it ?
Hey Jain, it sounds like you are missing some of the data-filter-name, column name, parent-workspace-id, data-filter-condition-id, data-filter-condition-name, filter-value, and child-workspace-id parameters in your JSON document. These parameters are required for the user filter brick to run properly. You can find more information about these parameters in the Workspace Data Filters section of the documentation at https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/manage-deployment/manage-workspaces/workspace-data-filters/
Hi @Jaroslav Zapadlo, thank you for the response. I am following this documentation to implement user filter brick https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/workspace-and-user-administration/managing-workspaces-via-life-cycle-management/bricks/user-filters-brick/ And this doc says 4 required parameters that are , organization, input_source, filters_config, users_brick_config. Not the parameters that you have mentioned above.
Ah, my bad! Try it with the 4 ones, then, and let me know 🙏
Yes i am trying with these 4 and its failing.
Are you running it over a service workspace? If you could share with us the implementation detail via PM, that would be cool!
No i am not running it over a service workspace. I have shared the implementation details with you.
Hi @Jaroslav Zapadlo did you find any issues with implementation ??
I've sent it to Martin Burian, the support leader. He said he'll looks into that, but the working day started an hour ago 😕
I will push him 🙂
🙏 1
Hi @Shubham Jain can you please clarify if you are trying to run the brick in LCM setup? Do you have
input_source, filters_config, users_brick_config
parameters encoded in
Hii @Jan Kos, i have followed this article https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/workspace-and-user-administration/managin[…]kspaces-via-life-cycle-management/bricks/user-filters-brick/, I haven't made any setup for LCM. Do you have
input_source, filters_config, users_brick_config
parameters encoded in
? (Yes, i have sent you the implementations details with you via PM please check once.)