Hi all, I have a Key Performance Indicator of a me...
# gooddata-platform
Hi all, I have a Key Performance Indicator of a metric 'Clicks'. I am using the date filter with value 'This month', so the metric shows number of clicks for days of this month (8 224 482). I want to compare this number to the same date range of previous year. For that I am using Compare with > Same period in previous year. However, the number of clicks for previous year (27 682 544) is for whole February 2022, not just for first eight days of the month. On the one hand, it makes sense because of the date filter, but on the other hand, it makes more sense to compare it with the exact same period of previous year. Is there a way how to do it in the Key Performance Indicator? I know I can select the static period of the selected days in the date filter, but user would have to change the filter every time (every day). I also know I can write a metric with FOR PREVIOUS, with which I can get the desired number for previous year and compare it with the original metric at a Headline Insight, but then the versus number is only gray (not green or red) and there is no arrow. I know it seems like a small difference, but it really helps to get the message quickly. So my question is, is it possible to make it work in the Key Performance Indicator? Maybe somehow rewrite the metric to make it work with the date filter, but I did not find the solution. Thank you in advance.
Have you been able to use With/without Parent Filter within the metric? This could possibly help. It’s a bit difficult to see what is actually going on without the metric.
Thank you for your reply. The metric is very simple, you can see it below. When I add WITHOUT PF at the end, it does not react on the filter.
Ok, so the comparison with the previous period works with the selected date, so that is behaving as expected. The best approach would be to create the metric with FOR PREVIOUS in a headline report. Unfortunately, the color is absent, but we can certainly submit this as a part of product feedback for our Product team to review.
🎉 New note created.
Ok, thank you.