Hi, I have just signed up for a free trial and now...
# gooddata-platform
Hi, I have just signed up for a free trial and now trying to connect to our AWS redshift databases 1. The account_name in the connection url, is that the aws cluster name? 2. Does the free version run on US data centres, this is to whitelist IPs.. Appreciate your help to get me started.. Thanks
Hi Mukund, 1. Correct, this is an endpoint of the Amazon Redshift cluster. 2. Also yes, the free version runs on US data centre. However, you don’t need to worry about that, the particular IP addresses are specified in our GD Cloud docs: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/deploy-and-install/cloud/#ip-whitelisting
Thanks Julius will check it out..
Works now, appreciate your help..