Is there any way to entirely hide GoodData's login...
# gooddata-platform
Is there any way to entirely hide GoodData's login screen from embedded dashboards? I'm authenticating through a third party application (Auth0) and then directing them into my product. Users don't have any reason to log in directly to the GoodData platform. However, sometimes users become logged out of GoodData and not my product. When this happens, users are prompted to log in to GoodData directly. They then go through GoodData's password reset experience and end up in entirely the wrong spot.
Hi Mitchel, you can manage these whitelabel settings to make GD look like your own product:
I've embedded the dashboard into my product
but sometimes the embedded dashboard asks for credentials... is there any way to prevent that from showing?
I don't want users going to the whitelabeled domain
Login session for the users is based on SuperSecure Token (SST). The default behaviour is that SST is valid for 2 weeks and after two weeks session expire and user is logged out. Do users have the option to login with passwords as well? It may help to enable SSO only for your users so they have no option to login with the password at all.
Yeah, my product logs them out after 24 hours, so in theory, they would never go 2 weeks. Still, it would probably be a good idea to switch users to SSO only. I'll try to figure out how to do that
What does a SSO only user see when they try to log in?
If they attempt to login through the login page with SSOonly set, they will just see an “invalid username or password” message
Ok, but they won't be given a 'forgot my password' link?
There still is the link, if a user does try to click it and reset their password no email is sent to the user though. I’m checking to see if there is a way to remove though from the login page
Is there any way for my application to know if a user is authenticated or not?
Hi Mitchel, You should be able to redirect users after logout by setting the target url of your application: For example: https://*
Yes, I do that, but it seems there are still scenarios where someone is logged into Auth0 but not into GoodData, and there is no way that I can find to identify when this happens. If I knew that a user wasn't logged into GoodData, I could force them to log in again.
Hey Mitchel. Sorry for the delay here. I was out with an illness for a few days, but all good now. I think you can solve your problem using JIT:
No worries at all. Glad you are feeling better. I'll check this out! Thanks