Hello, Clarification needed here: <https://help.g...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, Clarification needed here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/workspace-and-user-administration/managin[…]rkspaces-via-life-cycle-management/bricks/user-filters-brick If user has multiple filters, different filters in different workspaces? Like this? login client_id filter_ctrid filter_duration john@example.com PUBLIC WHERE ctrid (‘DE’, ‘IT’) WHERE duration (‘48/60000’, ‘24/30000’) john@example.com F2M WHERE ctrid (‘FR’) WHERE duration (‘12/30000’)
Hi Michael, for both of these inquiries the answer is the same in the fact that you will add the values on the next row under the username.
Hi Joseph, Like this?? login client_id filter john@example.com PUBLIC WHERE ctrid (‘DE’, ‘IT’) john@example.com PUBLIC WHERE duration (‘48/60000’, ‘24/30000’) john@example.com F2M WHERE ctrid (‘FR’) john@example.com F2M WHERE duration (‘12/30000’)
That’s correct
Hi Joseph, Still not able to run the user filters brick. This is the table re_lcm_users_filters brick config, see images. and gd_encoded_params { “postgresql_client”: { “connection”: { “url”: “${POSTGRES_RE_GOODDATA.url}“, “authentication”: { “basic”: { “userName”: “re_gooddata”, “password”: “${POSTGRES_RE_GOODDATA.password}” } }, “database”: “postgres”, “schema”: “re_gooddata”, “sslMode”: “prefer” } }, “input_source”: { “type”: “postgresql”, “query”: “SELECT * FROM re_lcm_users_filters” }, “filters_config”: { “filters_config”: { “user_column”: “login”, “labels”: [{ “label”: “label.re_all_secure.ctryid.name”, “column”: “filters_ctrid” }] } }, “users_brick_config”: { “postgresql_client”: { “connection”: { “url”: “${POSTGRES_RE_GOODDATA.url}“, “authentication”: { “basic”: { “userName”: “re_gooddata”, “password”: “${POSTGRES_RE_GOODDATA.password}” } }, “database”: “postgres”, “schema”: “re_gooddata”, “sslMode”: “prefer” } }, “input_source”: { “type”: “postgresql”, “query”: “SELECT * FROM re_lcm_users” }, “login_column”: “login” } } Error is too generic, not sure what do to to fix.
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Error during k8s execution:
    undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass