Hi, I got this error doing a LCM Release Brick, an...
# gooddata-platform
Hi, I got this error doing a LCM Release Brick, and I’m unable to delete the segment workspaces that it created. Segment Master Project %s can be set only to ‘ENABLED’ or ‘DISABLED’ state (‘%s’ given).
Copy code
I, [2022-11-06T12:27:11.192517 #6]  INFO -- : Transferring processes, from project: 'Rentaleye Dev (Master)', PID: 'gb3phb0ky787mqamchzqrnglx0dgrnct', to project: 'Rentaleye Service PROD (PRIVATE)', PID: 'pidw8r6lv0bbos2c8sh7cinfi5kgg5hl'
I, [2022-11-06T12:27:11.193482 #6]  INFO -- : Transferring processes, from project: 'Rentaleye Dev (Master)', PID: 'gb3phb0ky787mqamchzqrnglx0dgrnct', to project: 'Rentaleye Service PROD (PUBLIC)', PID: 'n1sxywxzcvz9k1aea6kj0i1b3gksrxjt'
E, [2022-11-06T12:27:11.754141 #6] ERROR -- : Execution failed. Error: [
    "action": "GoodData::LCM2::SynchronizeProcesses",
    "err": "No :ads specified",
    "backtrace": [
      "/src/lib/gooddata/models/ads_output_stage.rb:27:in `block in create'",
      "org/jruby/RubyArray.java:1792:in `each'",
      "/src/lib/gooddata/models/ads_output_stage.rb:26:in `create'",
      "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project.rb:218:in `transfer_output_stage'",
      "/src/lib/gooddata/models/project.rb:324:in `transfer_processes'",
      "/src/lib/gooddata/lcm/actions/synchronize_processes.rb:58:in `block in call'",
      "/usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby- `block in peach'",
      "/usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby- `block in spawn_worker'"
The execution finished with error
Oh I get it, I have to delete, clients, segments, then I can delete the segment workspace.
Always same error running RELEASE brick… “No :ads specified”. How do I fix that?
Could you provide some details as to how you have this set up on your end?
Data is loaded from Postgres, no ADS. I ended up adding a “skip_actions” parameter: SynchronizeProcesses, SynchronizeSechdules to make it work.
🙌 1