Hi all, In contrast to the Analyze tab were an agg...
# gooddata-platform
Hi all, In contrast to the Analyze tab were an aggregation method can be chosen, for KPIs such functionality is not available. This means that a metric has to be defined for displaying a KPI on a simple SUM() aggregation. As for creating Insights facts can be used and these simple metrics are only used for KPIs, we feel they pollute the model that is exposed to the user. What's the vision on this? Thanks!
What user experience would you like to get exactly? You can store an KPI-like insight in Analyze tab with fact only (no metric must be stored, just drag&drop fact and apply e.g. SUM function), see screenshot below. Then you can import such insight into KPI dashboards.
Hi Jan, In short, I would like to build KPIs from Facts. As a report builder wanting to display an aggregation compared with its previous period, I can either use the pre-built KPIs with a metric or the above headline and do the same to achieve my goal. However as a Analyze user browsing through the data catalog for a fact that I would like to aggregate; the data sets are "polluted" with metrics that are only used for the KPI with the compare to previous period. So, I believe as a report builder I would like to build less of these metrics, which could be done if we could build KPIs on Facts. And so, I was wondering what the product team had to say about this idea.
@Andrey Skripnikov please, help
Hi Hans, I believe you’re talking about the KPI widget on the dashboard available in our hosted platform. I understand your perspective and let me submit your note to our feedback tracking system. You are right, currently, the behavior of the KPI widget and the headline charts are not aligned and we plan to fix that eventually. However this is not on our immediate plan at the moment.
🎉 New note created.
Thanks for listening