Thanks four your help
# gooddata-platform
Thanks four your help
Hi Reda, I see you are using GoodData Cloud (hosted solution), therefore the data sources you can integrate with are the ones you see on the Connect data screen. The documentation you’ve linked belongs to our GoodData platform and it’s not relevant for you. If you wish to work with Bigquery, you can also try out GoodData Cloud Native (self hosted solution) and follow the steps here: Google BigQuery | GoodData Cloud Native. You can find in the link below an overview of both products as a reference: GoodData Cloud Overview | GoodData Cloud Native Introduction | GoodData Cloud Native
BigQuery should be available in the Cloud (hosted) soon, we are working on it. You can do a PoC locally with Gooddata.CN community edition (single docker container):
Just please do not forget that you have to side-load BigQuery JDBC driver into the container, it is described in the DOC linked by @Moises Morales. This is necessary because the poor license - we are not allowed to distribute the driver. Only BigQuery suffers from this issue. In the future, this won't be needed anymore, because we will utilize the BigQuery REST API directly without the driver.
Thanks all for your feedbacks. Trying to minimize the cost of operations that could generate kubernetes administration, I'd prefer the cloud hosted solution. Any date regarding big query cloud integration ?
So far it seems that we make it to the release on October 6th.
👍 1