Hi, <@U02T0J7L13K>, We are in talks with you guys...
# gooddata-platform
Hi, @David Munka, We are in talks with you guys to implement gooddata solution in our platform. Can you please ask someone, why dont we have developer settings in our trial version? Can anybody help?
Hello Sajjad, it looks like you signed up for our GoodData platform product free program and there is no developers settings - I’m assuming you mean this section viz screenshot? If thats the case this section is in our GoodData Cloud trial program - https://www.gooddata.com/trial/
Thanks @Jan Kos. Let me try this.
Hi @Jan Kos, Can I setup SSO Login with cloud trial? Can a white label domain be configured in cloud trial?
@David Munka
Hello Sajjad, GoodData Cloud supports only OIDC as a mean of authentication. By whitelabeling you mean changing your hostname? It is not possible with the trial. What you can do is to use self-deployed GoodData.CN (even the docker image version allows the hostname change).