Is there a way to import longer strings from BigQu...
# gooddata-platform
Is there a way to import longer strings from BigQuery? It seems there’s an arbitrary cut off of 128 characters rn?
Yes, this is the limit set. However, Attribute labels and values text can hold up to 10,000 characters
Hello @Michael Ashmead, I don’t have a BigQuery at my hand, but if you experience issues when loading long strings into GD, try to increase the data type of the field in the LDM modeler. Go to dataset > More… > View details A reload of data will be required after you perform the change.
👍 1
Thanks, will try this out 👍
For some reason, I’m getting this error. Originally I thought it was because the strings were too long, but I tried shortening them in BigQuery view with no luck and also tried what you mentioned above. Do you know what could be causing this error when I try to import my data?
Hi Michael, could you please send us the requestID from the log?
Hey, I just noticed your screenshot, and remembered that similar issue was already discussed here: does it help?
I don’t think it’s a STRING REPEATED field type that I’m using? These are the fields I have for the table
@Julius Kos Here’s the request id:
Hi Michael, could you please try to run the following query above your source database so we can check if there is some problem with the “Message” table itself?
Copy code
SELECT messageId AS messageId,senderId AS senderId,message AS message,conversationId AS conversationId FROM Message
Hi Michael, the error seems to be in querying and splitting of table Message, as my colleague Julius also mentioned. When i check our logs the select from this table is sql=“SELECT messageId AS messageId,senderId AS senderId,message AS message,conversationId AS conversationId FROM Message” but in the screenshot you have sent i can see column dateSent also. Could you please rescan your data source with “Connect” then rebuild your dataset in LDM by dragging and dropping the Message table from data source schema. Somehow the columns in your message table in BQ and the LDM does not seem to match. After rescanning and rebuilding your model then could you please try to rerun your schedule. Thanks.
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