Hi. I cannot access my workspaces, using GoodData ...
# gooddata-platform
Hi. I cannot access my workspaces, using GoodData Platforn. The url changes to "[domain].com/workspaces.html#status=cannotAccessWorkbench" and redirects to home when trying to access the workspace.
This usually happens when the user you are trying to use does not have a role in the workspace, that would allow access to the GoodData portal, but only viewing of embedded dashboards. This can also happen if you are logged in with a user who does have this access, but then in the same browser you use for example some SSO tool integrated with GoodData to log you in as user who is embedded viewer only - in that case your new (more restrictive) session can override your original session.
Thanks for the quick reply. I am logged in as a domain admin, as well as being set up in the workspace with an admin role, so have access to all of the workspaces. None of the other admin users are able to access the workspace, but all get the same issue. Tried multiple users and browsers/computers as well
I see, that sounds weird, indeed. I would suggest to file a support ticket to GoodData support then and ideally also provide them with a HAR file (here is how to record it: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408828867098-Generating-a-HAR-file-for-troubleshooting) to be able to investigate what is happening between your browser and the platform.
Alright, thanks! 🙂