Is there any way to have filters narrow the availa...
# gooddata-platform
Is there any way to have filters narrow the available options in another filter? For example, let's say I have two fields: Country & City. If I select USA as a country, I don't want to see Paris as an option in the city filter. I'm running into scenarios where the list of available options in the filters barely makes sense in context.
Hi Mitchel, Once you put the dashboard in edit mode, you can click on a dashboard filter and find the button for configuration. There, you should be able to decide which filter that filter will be filtered by.
Hi Mitchel, we do support parent-child filter hierarchy on dashboards (not in insights though) - see dependent attribute filters here. But there have to be some logical hierarchy in your logical data model.
Thanks @Joseph Heun /@Boris. I was looking for this functionality in the insights section specifically. It's helpful to have this included in dashboards at least. Is it possible to use MAQL to create a text field that is impacted by filters and adjusts dynamically? Or maybe another workaround?
Hi Mitchel, sorry for the delay. I am afraid that this is not possible via MAQL. However, depending on a way your users will consume gooddata, it might be achievable, in case you are using custom app with gooddata Insights designer embedded. You are able to create custom filters and pass the value to gooddata by setFilterContext command (described here).
Ok, yes this might work. Do you happen to know if setting filter context automatically within Analytical Designer is a product enhancement that might be in the works?