Hello! I've got an issue with attribute labels. In...
# gooddata-platform
Hello! I've got an issue with attribute labels. In the development workspace it's been setup and works as expected (see pictures), but in the client workspace there are only empty values. Is there a setting I have missed when setting it up or something in the LCM process? Thanks.
This seems as if for the client worlspace only values for Age label were loaded but no values for age interval. Do you have x__client id in yoir source table? And if yes are there values for age interval for this particular client?
I have the x__client__id in the table for respondents (which holds the values on age) but not in "age optionset" table , that has the values for age interval. The age optionset is the same for all the clients, so it doesnt have the x__client__ id column,
How come that it works well in the dev workspace, which also has a x client id in the dataload, but not in the client workspaces?
Hmm, that does look odd, it should work, especially if it is using the same data from the same table. Just to confirm - if you do a full-load of the Age optionset to the dev workspace, is till works? (I do not know, just in case the data in the undrelying table or mapping wold change since you last loaded the dev workspace).
yes, loaded all the datasets and it still works,
I see. I am afraid I do not have more ideas without taking closer look. Would it be possible to invite my user michal.hauzirek@gooddata.com to that workspace so I can take a look, please?
of course, I've invited you to the dev workspace, service and the client workspace.
Thank you for the invites. Now I think I know why this happened. If you take a look at the last log from the segment data dataload on production, you can see at the beginning that it is only loading 7 datasets out of your 11. Age not being one of them. Also if you take a look at the dataset detail in Client 1028, you can see that last time it was loaded was March 23. And after that, there is only “synchronize operation” (which is usually result of a data model change, possibly a change of a data type or addition of new label etc.). So your Age dataset (as well as some others on the production) are not being loaded. That means that your data distribution schedule did not have some datasets selected when you executed it manually (most probably) • the schedule itself does not have seem to have any datasets excluded there, but I think you might have not checked all of them when manually running the load (maybe it remembered the list datasets before you expanded the model) So I would recommend to try to load the data again in PROD - click the RUN in the data distribution and before confirming with RUN, make sure that all the datasets are checked in the dropdown. Then in the log at the top you can see which datasets were selected and should be loaded.
Super, that fixed it, many thanks!