Good afternoon, I'm putting my GoodData dashboard ...
# gooddata-platform
Good afternoon, I'm putting my GoodData dashboard in my project with the iframe, but it's having a serious processing problem, it takes a long time to load the GoodData data through the iframe. I noticed on the Network that it makes a lot of requests when it calls the dashboard through the iframe. Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve this processing time and load my GoodData dashboard faster?
Hi Lucas, may we know how are you embedding your dashboard and if possible, are you seeing any error in your browser’s developer console?
Of course @Moises Morales, here is the print of what I'm calling
and here is the console print
the dashboard takes a long time to render on the screen
@Moises Morales another thing to note is that there are multiple SVGs in the request, this snippet is just an example, but if I scroll down or up there are multiple SVGs. Can you tell me if this is being used for anything? Well I don't think so, they are all repeated.
Thanks for all the info, Lucas. Can you also please send me the dashboard URI?
@Moises Morales any update?
Sorry about the radio silence. Let us continue checking what is happening and get back to you with our findings
OK, I'll wait, if you find something, please let me know.
Hi Lucas, when i check from our logs individual executionResults don’t take longer than 3 secs but they may add up to a long duration. In order to check the problem in more detail, could you please invite user to your project, then i will be able to check dashboard loading via console.
I checked a bit more, the sql queries running on the backend does not take longer than 500ms. And the datamart where the project residing does not seem to have problem, is not overloaded. The only thing remaining is to check the dashboard by connecting to your project and check the requests timing from developer tools. For this i will wait for you to give us access, to user. And i would ask if we can check this problem during business hours. Thank you
Hello @Ulku Kijasev, the invite has been sent to We can handle it during business hours, just send a message.
Hi, @Ulku Kijasev any news please let me know.
Hi Lucas, i am checking it. As soon as i have some findings i will share it with you
Okay, I'm waiting for news 🙂
When we checked the dashboard here it takes 13s to load it. How long does it take to load it in your tests?
All panels take around 24 seconds to load. This loading delay is not when you open Gooddata and go to the Dashboard, the delay is when we click on "embed" and get both the iframe and the URL, it is made around 250 requests independently from the Dashboard and takes around 24 seconds. We did a test yesterday putting in an Insight only and it also made around 250 requests and it also took 20 to 25 seconds.
I checked the embedded dashboard loading times If you don’t have any caching or browser is slower due to other tabs, the whole loading can take up to 26sec. But normally it takes around 14-15secs. As you’re asking reasons also: some considerable time is spent during the initial client load (before the dashboard related requests start) which are composed of some js file requests which have to be loaded and necessary for the Dashboard plugins functionality. These js file requests could be slower due to GoodData platform uses HTTP1.1 not HTTP2. You’re asking also about SVG’s, they’re also useful, they represent some of the icons visible in the app. There are plans to include them in JS files in order to avoid the SVG loads separately in future. But in order to solve this problem, there can be applied some workaround, such as to preload the dashboards (in iframes) in the application startup but not show it to user. They can be shown later when the user clicks on the related dashboard. This way you will avoid waiting times when passing between dashboards. This solution is also used by our developers here.