Hey GoodData team, - Where can I find the dev mas...
# gooddata-platform
Hey GoodData team, • Where can I find the dev master workspace? / How can I create the dev master workspace? • Where can I create the segments under the dev master workspace? • Do I define my LDM in the dev master workspace or in the segment master workspace? If in the dev master workspace, then should all my output stage dataset prefixes be the same? Everywhere in the docs it says that everything trickles down from the dev master workspace, but I couldn't find anywhere that tells you how to access it or identify it.
Where can I find the dev master workspace? / How can I create the dev master workspace? This is a workspace that you will need to create in advance and set up according to your needs: it contains required dashboards, reports, metrics, and so on. The master workspaces created based on the Development master workspace inherit all the objects from it. You can check how to create a project here: https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=81961846 Where can I create the segments under the dev master workspace? You will need to use the Release Brick : https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86796868 Which it will create the segment with the parameters you will specify, such as which master workspace to use. Do I define my LDM in the dev master workspace or in the segment master workspace? If in the dev master workspace, then should all my output stage dataset prefixes be the same? Yes, in your Dev Master workspace. For the 2nd part of the question, I’m not sure I understand fully - Can you give me an example? Also, we have this nice article in our community, on how to work with Bricks, it has example on how to configure the Bricks:
Hey Daniela! Thanks for the long form answer 🙂 I'm still unclear what defines a development master workspace from any other workspaces. Are all workspaces visible on the page at /home/ (the page shown below) development master workspaces?
What separates a development master workspace from a master workspace? Is it only that one is on the dev subdomain and the others are on the test or production subdomains?
E.g. ourcompany-dev.on.gooddata.com -> all workspaces there are development master workspaces ourcompany-test.on.gooddata.com -> all workspaces there are master workspaces ourcompany-prod.on.gooddata.com -> all workspaces there are master workspaces
And RE:
> Do I define my LDM in the dev master workspace or in the segment master
> workspace? If in the dev master workspace, then should all my output stage
> dataset prefixes be the same?
Can you give me an example?
Example: Let's say I have one dev master workspace named "ourcompany", and that under the dev master workspace "ourcompany" I want to have two segments. Can I have two separate LDMs with separate output stages (one per segment)? Or must I have two separate dev master workspaces with each their own LDM, and each one segment?
From reading the docs, I'd think it's the latter (1-1 dev master workspace -to- LDM relationship). If that's true, then if I want different datasets for different segments then I would need to separate the LDM in two different dev master workspaces, correct?
Hi Philippe, I realized I didn’t sent the article to the community post regarding Brick, I’m sorry, here it is: https://community.gooddata.com/solution-architecture-kb-articles-50/provisioning-and-change-management-automation-in-gooddata-platform-292 I will answer now in order to your questions 🙂
A development master workspace is a project you will have to create and this is going to be what your client projects will “inherit”. We highly recommend that you name it with a very straight forward name :) From the screenshot you send, you will see all the projects in your domain, but it will not have like a tag or some identifier that this is your Dev Master workspace. That’s why I suggest to name it accordingly.
The Master workspaces, live in a segment and are the “latest version” of your Dev Master Workspace. We recommend to create your Dev Master workspace in the Development environment. I hope that with this example, is clearer:
A Dev Master workspace can have several segments. And the segments have the clients. If the clients want to have different LDM.. there are 2 options: - Keep the “base LDM” and add more datasets if needed on the client workspace. We have a flag for this ‘synchronize_ldm’ on the Rollout Brick https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86796871 - If the LDM is too different one from the other, I would recommend to have them separated, to avoid any discrepancies