Hello everyone, In my current project we are usin...
# gooddata-platform
Hello everyone, In my current project we are using GoodData SDK-UI to access data and corresponding components in our frontend part of application that is on React. I ran across an issue where in some browsers as Mozilla Firefox, Brave and Safari there would be a strange behavior on page loading - basically, it would just be getting in the loop trying to access our 3rd party authentication service. I found this article where it was exactly specifying what the problem is, it is an issue with GoodData required 3rd party cookies to be enabled. Doing that in all browsers actually fixed the issue, but however I feel like it is not the greatest user experience for our future clients if they would need to change browser settings or switch to a browser that allows that in order to use GoodData. Did anyone come across this issue and was able to figure out some fix for that?
Hi Konstantin, probably the best way to overcome the issue with third party cookies is to use GoodData on a hostname which will be under the same main domain as your application. For example if your app exists on application.example.com then if your GoodData domain would be on analytics.example.com, the cookies from GoodData will not be treated as third-party cookies by the browsers and it will work without users needing to manually change their browser settings. To achieve this with the GoodData hosted platform, you can use the White Labeling feature (documented here: https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86797036). With GoodData.CN you can just deploy it to that hostname.
Thank you @Michal Hauzírek, I will look in that direction! Would I need to use GoodData.CN in order to set it up, or would I be able to do it without using CN solution?
You do not nees GoodData.CN for this. Whitelabeling is available also for the hosted GoodData platform in the higher tiers (Growth, Enterprise) as a paid add-on. And I believe ypu can ask for a trial of it of you are on the Free edition.
Thank you! @Michal Hauzírek