Hi GoodData team, our team is trying to establish ...
# gooddata-platform
Hi GoodData team, our team is trying to establish direct data distribution from our data warehouse to multiple client workspaces within a Segment. We have ran the SQL from the Output Stage that is generated on the Data Source tab, and created the Output Stage view within our BigQuery data warehouse containing the
column. We are encountering an error when we attempt to run the scheduled load of data from our data warehouse that I've put in the codeblock below. We have added Client Identifiers for our Master Workspace and all Client Workspaces, and our team is stuck troubleshooting. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated 🙂
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[ERROR]: Data distribution worker failed. Reason: The Output Stage has the x__client_id column, but no Client Identifier was provided for the current workspace.
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The error you are getting refers to the Client ID parameter which identifies data records related to a particular workspace. This is an optional parameter. For LCM setup, LCM acts as an authority, and the Client ID parameter is defined within the LCM hierarchy. The Client ID parameter within workspace OS is ignored. As outlined in our documentation below - See section: Client ID https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86789943 • If the x__client_id column is present in the output stage table and no Client ID is specified, ADD fails when the data is being loaded to the corresponding dataset. Can you please check your output stage and update it accordingly?
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Hi Cam, additional point: For making the data distribution from output_staging to multiple clients with client_id, you need to have proper LCM configuration. You need to either run Provisioning brick or you can also configure your LCM with API. From the error log, it is possible that your clients are not configured properly. Could you please check your client configuration as well.
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Hello Cam We have an article on our community that covers overview and principles of LCM: https://community.gooddata.com/solution-architecture-kb-articles-50/provisioning-and-change-management-automation-in-gooddata-platform-292 And one about loading data using automated data distribution (it is high level article, but it applies to your use-case): https://community.gooddata.com/data-sources-kb-articles-47/add-distributing-data-to-multiple-workspaces-197
Thank you for providing us with these resources @Joseph Heun @Ulku Kijasev @Boris we have made progress on this but are waiting to hear back from the GoodData support team. We are hoping to be provided with a data warehouse enabled authorization token and then we will reach out here if we run into any other impediments. Thank you all!
Hi Cam, data warehouse enabled token is needed only in case you are using our ADS (data warehouse managed by us) to store and transform your data. But since your data are in bigQuery, you should be able to use that instead
Thank you @Boris we are having trouble synchronising our clients - specifically we're running into the errors below.
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"error" : {
        "errorCode" : "lcm.import.failed.generic_error",
        "message" : "Can't find '%s' with identifier '%s'.",
        "parameters" : [ "dataSet", "dataset.automation_testing1" ]
For context - we've created two clients within our segment with unique ID's that are linked to 2 separate client workspaces and we run into this error when we try to "Synchronize Clients"
Hi Cam, are you doing the client synchronization using API or is it part of LCM rollout brick?
We are using the API to attempt to synchronize clients